In this real case of our client @Hogarterapia, whom we thank again for authorizing us to publish confidential data of their strategy, we will see what the more than 1,000 Twitter visitors (14,000 followers) do when they access the corporate blog of this brand.
Twitter is the largest source of traffic to this site: www.hogarterapia.com, surpassing Google, reporting more than 1,000 monthly visits. We recommend the previous Post: How to increase and monetize 14,000 Twitter followers in an ecommerce, in which we scrutinize the strategy and results of this brand on Twitter.
We will check if the traffic that is derived from Twitter is of quality, and if you just enter the site to see the decorating tips (blog posts of the sofa) or really becomes qualified traffic for ecommerce.
During the period 15/10/2013 to 11/14/2016 Google Analytics registered 1,019 visits to the site hogarterapia.com that came from Twitter, surpassing Google's traffic.
Let's see what behavior this traffic had: using the horizontal scroll in the lower image, we can see the 12 iterations:
In this first flow of traffic, the following is analyzed:
15% of the traffic that is generated from Twitter, goes directly to the home of the web. It is not traffic that enters the blog when sharing an article on Twitter, but Twitter users who want to know more about the company / brand @Hogarterapia (for its notoriety to have more than 14,000 Followers, being the 3rd brand in Spain by number of followers in the furniture / decoration sector) and access their home, navigating through the content of the site.
As we can see in each of the 12 interactions, 14% of the traffic that Twitter generates towards the blog, continues to scrutinize the web in up to 12 interactions. Highlights the fact that users who leave in each interaction are smaller than those who continue to navigate to the following pages.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Creating articles that generate value to the user, in this case with advice on decoration, is a side information to the products that are sold (furniture).
However, the target audience interested in learning about decoration, is also interested in furniture, so that 14% of people who click on a tweet about decoration, not only read the post and leave, but surf the web and its catalog, displaying up to 12 pages of the catalog.
It is very remarkable that they do not click on a single section of the catalog, but most of them continue to discover the catalog, and there are always more users that continue browsing than those who leave the site. We see from the 2nd interaction, that 75% continues navigating in each iteration, and only 1 in 4 fail to do so.
While SEO is losing effectiveness because of Google's interest to monetize your company and fill your search engine results with information about its services, Twitter is a social network that can derive more traffic from Google, and keep it in time. Facebook allows to generate fans, but it is Facebook who decides which users show them our publications (around 10%), through its EdgeRank algorithm. Therefore our fans, are not ours, it is Facebook who has the power to show them our updates. However, followers of Twitter are not controlled by Twitter, so this social network is outlined in our opinion, as the best alternative to invest and get a return on capitalized investment (maintained over time), as we have seen in @Hogarterapia.
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